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To help transform education for humanity.
To offer a fresh approach to learning to become changemakers with the following qualities:
  • Autonomy  – The urge to direct your own life.
  • Mastery  –  The desire to get better at something that matters to you.
  • Purpose – The yearning to do something larger than yourself.

These three qualities are inspired by author Daniel Pink, Drive, New York: Riverhead Books, 2009.


To provide online courses by experts in their fields, integrating three key elements: academics, social & emotional learning and innovation. Children, teens, parents, and teachers can learn any time, anywhere.



In 2021, a circle of leaders in China asked Ann H. McCormick, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and educator, to launch an online academy bringing innovative learning opportunities to people around the world. Ann consulted with expert school founders and colleagues, Karen Stone-McCown, Founder of the Nueva School and Anabel Jenson, it’s Executive Director. Karen and Anabel also co-founded the Synapse School in Silicon Valley, and invited Ann to become its first board member. Based on long successful experience, they are launching 6 Arts Academy. Karen and Anabel also founded Six Seconds, the Emotional Intelligence Network, which has adopted 6 Arts Academy as part of it’s nonprofit corporation. Aura Mel, who has long supported education projects, joined the Council of 6 Arts Academy, along with Karen and Anabel.

To implement this vision, Ann invited Karen Thurm Safran to co-found 6 Arts Academy. Karen brings over 20 years of experience creating innovative strategies for schools, developing powerful programs, and executing plans efficiently. Among other projects, Karen ran the Apple Distinguished Educators program, which selected active leaders globally to help schools rethink what’s possible using Apple technology to transform teaching and learning. Her expertise has been key in launching 6 Arts Academy with Ann.

6 Arts Academy offers two courses at launch while creating more courses to enhance forefront academics with innovation and social & emotional learning.



Ann H. McCormick, Co-Founder and CEO of 6 Arts Academy, is a pioneer of children’s learning using technology.
Ann H. McCormick, Co-Founder and CEO of 6 Arts Academy, is a pioneer of children’s learning using technology.
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Ann H. McCormick

CEO and Co-Founder

Karen Thurm Safran worked for Apple in K-12 Education producing innovative products and programs.
Karen Thurm Safran worked for Apple in K-12 Education producing innovative products and programs.
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Karen Thurm Safran

Chief Content Officer and Co-Founder


Aura Mel is the Secretary of Universal Light Study Group, a self-help Chinese American women’s community focused on educational issues.
Aura Mel is the Secretary of Universal Light Study Group, a self-help Chinese American women’s community focused on educational issues.
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Karen Stone-McCown is a pioneer leader in social & emotional learning (SEL) and gifted education.
Karen Stone-McCown is a pioneer leader in social & emotional learning (SEL) and gifted education.
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Anabel Jensen developed emotional intelligence (EQ) curriculum and test of EQ that's better than SAT at predicting college success.
Anabel Jensen developed emotional intelligence (EQ) curriculum and test of EQ that's better than SAT at predicting college success.
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 Instructors for Current Courses

Natalie is the Greater China Regional Director in Six Seconds, developing a network of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) teachers, trainers and coaches.
Natalie is the Greater China Regional Director in Six Seconds, developing a network of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) teachers, trainers and coaches.
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Natalie Roitman

EQ Gym for Teachers

Andrew Blasky’s focus is applying innovative technologies to language learning.
Andrew Blasky’s focus is applying innovative technologies to language learning.
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Andrew Blasky

neo+ and neoPrep+

 Instructors for Future Courses

Michael is regarded as a top game designer of award-winning educational and entertainment games.
Michael is regarded as a top game designer of award-winning educational and entertainment games.
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Bill Atkinson is a legendary software designer who was head of design for the original Macintosh computer.
Bill Atkinson is a legendary software designer who was head of design for the original Macintosh computer.
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Charles Eesley is an Associate Professor and W.M. Keck Foundation Faculty Scholar in the Department of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University.
Charles Eesley is an Associate Professor and W.M. Keck Foundation Faculty Scholar in the Department of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University.
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